It's Official: Astronomers Have Discovered another Earth

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope discovered an Earth-like planet circling a nearby star within the Goldilocks zone of our galaxy. Kepler-186f is around 500 light-years from Earth in the Cygnus constellation. The habitable zone, also identified as the Goldilocks zone, is the area around a star within which planetary-mass objects with enough atmospheric pressure can sustain liquid water at their surfaces.

While it has been projected that there are at least 40 billion Earth-sized planets circling in our Milky Way Galaxy, this specific finding is labelled the first Earth-sized planet to be discovered in the habitable zone of another star.

What does this mean?

In addition to Kepler-186f, there are 4 other planets that circle a nearby star within the Kepler-186f system. What this means is that if the neighbouring star to this planet is just like our Sun, then the likelihood of life on this planet exponentially increases.

“We know of only one planet where life survives – Earth. When we hunt for life outside our solar system, we emphasis on discovering planets with features that mimic that of Earth,” said Elisa Quintana, research scientist at the SETI Institute at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., and lead author of the paper published in the journal Science. “Discovering a habitable zone planet similar to Earth in size is a major breakthrough.”

The neighboring star to Kepler-186f has half the mass and size as our solar system’s Sun and only gets one-third of the energy that we get from our Sun. Kepler-186f circles its star once every 130 days.


  1. Replies
    1. Unfortunately, this video is not available in The U.S. Anyone know why?

    2. it was taken down for copy right reasons by youtube

    3. If you mean the videos i mentioned, i just watched one of them today and the other when i linked it. They are still up, i put links further below.

    4. Here is the ORMES Video i spoke of, it take awhile to get into the deep science of it. Its worth every second to listen to it many times.

      The bringers of the dawn video as well, listen at least 100 times and you will be changed in the end.

      This reveals many things, i wish it would talk about those who own the earth more towards the end, so many just cant handle that part and its in the beginning. Many just turn it off.. So, listen to it all and just let it sink in. Those who listen will experience a great awakening of knowledge and energies.

  2. “We know of only one planet where life survives – Earth. When we hunt for life outside our solar system, we emphasis on discovering planets with features that mimic that of Earth.” Yes, but apparently we don't "emphasis" too much on grammar.

    1. No, some of us concentrate more on nit-picking at flyspecks.

    2. If you are not going to proof read your ridiculous articles on bullshit discoveries, why would we accept your bullshit "science"?

  3. whats the point we will never reach it

    1. 500 light years away? Pft. They estimate it would take the energy in Jupiter to get one space craft up to ALMOST light speed. Right now, we could send a message and it would get there in maybe 1000 years. Then we sit back and wait for the reply.

    2. You do know that radio are a tyoe of electromagnetism and travel at the speed of light? That means that it would take 500 not 1000 years. And the earth is round...

    3. Conventional thinking..... It is the speed of thought that is faster then all travel times. Its like this. You think it, and your there. Thats how long it takes to travel this distance. There is almost no travel time or velocity. It just happens, its almost instant. There really isnt any travel speed, it just is. So until we learn these things are possible, we will still try to think that we have to speed up, slow down, travel distances and use fuel.. Reality is that beings are doing this. It does not take time, speed, or fuel as we know it. Its electromagnetism and frequencies that are zero point energy fields that create energy from what we may call, nothing. It is something, but to most its just humbo jumbo fringe science that isnt real. But it is real. Too many people believe what the TV tells them. TV is full of lies, hypnosis, Manipulation and disease commercials teaching people how to manifest sickness so the people who do own this planet can use it as a source of profit. The human vehicle is a space craft. It has Iridium and rhodium in its brain and these elements are required to teleport matter. So, the truth is that 500 light years has nothing to do with the travel time. Its really more about the arrival. One needs to know where they are going before they can just teleport there. There must be a destination in mind. In sight and or in thought. Hope this helps and those who dont understand this, try to be nice, its ok you cant fathom this, but it is a fact the TV is not telling the people. We are slaves and we think we are free... The tyranny in this world just does not have walls, but it has many frequency bands of limitation. Limiting the ability to access information such as the stuff ive shared today. The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law, it is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined, so that those who exist with in it do not even realize they are in prison.

    4. Do you have anything to read that you recommend discussing what you are talking about?

    5. Well, lets see..... let me think a sec, i just woke up. A lot of this will ride along the learning of thought manifestation. I can suggest Bringers of the Dawn, Barbara Marciniak. It is read aloud on youtube as well.
      The living Library, same author. On youtube, Ormes (David Huchinson) Who doesnt speak directly of this, yet the lecture starts from him stumbling onto knowledge of this sort. I spent a good ten years with daily meditation, at least 2 hours a day. This type of thing is not just relaxation, it is also information gathering. So, in the bringers series they will mention things to start doing. Now, i will say this has happened to me once. I have not repeated it. Me, my girlfriend and the car all shifted and or teleport-ed a few mins as well, back in time. I wont type it all out but i had run a light, wished i didnt, and all of a sudden we had not run it. She also recognized that it happened and then asked me who the (bleep) are you... So it is possible and we are advancing once again as a race. We used to do these things and it is partially due to the position of the sun, suns, and planets. The path of the Earth isnt really what they think they know. Because really, there is no way to be sure, its a best guess scenario. They simply do not know the truth of the path of the planets and Earth, how it spins, it also is more like a vortex, and it is moving up and down like a sinwav as well. These changes in position take thousands of years. Like 40,000 years. These cycles bring in Golden and or Dark ages as they are called. So we are on the way up again, towards the light. The light is the information. The sun is an information broadcasting system as well as life giving. The things ive posted came to me when following the rule.. Ask To Receive. Like the Bible says. Not gonna sell religion here, but that one phrase holds lots of power. What do you want? Ask to be shown the way. I did. Please show me the information of Christ. Please teach me the way of Buddha. Having an experience of religious nature isnt really the study of anothers experience, it is having one for ourselves and this is part of what all the masters attempt to say. Like Christ had been written about saying. You can do this and grander things too... because why? Because you can. Church is not necessary. Just the simple task of asking for the information and as well, proving yourself to be good.... Those who are not in the right vibration can not access this sort of information so, it is protected this way. Like, Hitler... he can never have this stuff, it is not possible because he is mostly hatred and those who do not have love, can not have the higher knowledge.. I kept this page open and unsure how i even got here, i dont use this blog or etc much. I am not sure if it will notify me of replies as well. I will see if i can fix that. The Retro Studios Art Magazine thing was an Idea i never followed through on, I got lost in what i speak of now, its been 15 years haha

    6. I will add, I see this is linked to my Gmail account, so i bookmarked this and also find out that youtube is connected to that. Busy, but not really busy. I guess i missed all that in the shuffle of life. So... I committed my self to this sort of information. A supreme dedication to the Earth itself. So, it is my pleasure to assist you anytime. This is sometimes part of why I am allowed to see things. I assume you asked a question like I mentioned above.. Your seeking certain information and as well you are seeking a guide? We teach each other. Just pondering these subjects is a lesson for me, so I really enjoy these things even when some people think im nuts, its funny because when you yourself have had the experience, you will know its true and really, does it matter if others do not know? We can not learn anything we do not believe in first. It again is the frequency vibration thing, if we do not accept something as possible, it will not manifest anyhow. (unless the group consciousness of the planet over rides singular consciousness) We as a person can change all things, and, fact is not really a fact. But what we do call fact is what the majority believe is possible, and there for it is. We can live in both singular and group consciousness at the same time, well, we do live in this duality.... right? Left and Right brain? etc etc... The mission is to connect the left and right brain to the heart and intestine/spinal brain. You will understand if you take the steps. It is a dedication type of thing. Its not something anyone, not even myself will learn over night. (maybe) but thats just my lousy opinion. We limit ourselfs with the limits we believe in, so here i am learning to let go again of the limits i perceive, thank you for asking questions!

    7. It's refreshing to see someone else saying this. Nothing is impossible because we live in an infinitely expanding universe that is fully and wholly based on energy. It's been interesting seeing what "new" information is getting doled out to the public (information that is actually old news to those who control, and those who have worked for them.....and the few of us who remember/know). I only wish it was happening faster for humanity and the world at large.

    8. What i find interesting is Ai is moving so fast. That by the time we can see it comming in the future, we already passed it. I feel it possible we are all ready living in a computer program. I am the creator of my life. Just food for thought.

    9. Here is the ORMES Video i spoke of, it take awhile to get into the deep science of it. Its worth every second to listen to it many times.

      The bringers of the dawn video as well, listen at least 100 times and you will be changed in the end.

      This reveals many things, i wish it would talk about those who own the earth more towards the end, so many just cant handle that part and its in the beginning. Many just turn it off.. So, listen to it all and just let it sink in. Those who listen will experience a great awakening of knowledge and energies.

    10. Thanks for the links. I'll watch them when I have a bit more time. I want to thank you for your comments. These are all things I understand just need to have more practice implementing them. Being with the flow is a beautiful thing but can sometimes be overwhelming.

  4. We wouldn't need to reach it if we looked after the one we have.

    1. Yes....lets take care of the one we have...or are we going to arrive as invading predator to change whatever life forms are there...

    2. At our population growth the drain on our natural resources will not balance out as well as co2 continuing it's massive rise upwards. It doesn't matter your stance on global warming, recycling, etc. The above two facts are inevitable. The time to find another place to colonize and how to get there needs to be now.

    3. I agree. But what pisses me off is to see so much of the science community, especially NASA, fostering the ruinous and totally unscientific popular misconceptions about the feasibility of manned space exploration. They themselves may be infatuated with this nonsense but, more likely, they have decided that in order to keep funding up for more sensible, unmanned, less glamorous, scientific space projects, manned space flight programs are crucial PR.

    4. We used to be on Mars... Take a look at what happened to it... So, yea, we need to take care of this Planet, Not many species can restart a planet into regeneration.

    5. Where else have we been?, I've reached out to a far place but never felt the presence of a similar being or soul to us, and I've felt and seen a few.

  5. For a purported Science website, this article is horribly written and wasn't proofread by someone with knowledge of the subject matter.

    "NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope discovered an Earth-like planet circling a nearby star within the Goldilocks zone of our galaxy."

    This should have read: "NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope discovered an Earth-like planet within our galaxy, circling a nearby star within the Goldilocks zone."

    Big difference!

    1. Technically it would be better to say, "within its Goldilocks zone". There is more than one and each pertains to the star.

  6. But our galaxy has a Goldilocks zone also. Too much radiation as you get closer to the galactic centre.

    1. Indeed, both our solar system and our galaxy have Goldilocks Zones, though the considerations are not the same. In the case of solar systems the requirements are generally to be neither too far from nor too close to the sun. In the matter of galaxies:

      "The idea of a galactic habitable zone was further developed in 2001 in a paper by Ward and Brownlee, in collaboration with Guillermo Gonzalez of the University of Washington.[15][16] In that paper, Gonzalez, Brownlee, and Ward stated that regions near the galactic halo would lack the heavier elements required to produce habitable terrestrial planets, thus creating an outward limit to the size of the galactic habitable zone. Being too close to the galactic center, however, would expose an otherwise habitable planet to numerous supernovae and other energetic cosmic events, as well as excessive cometary impacts caused by perturbations of the host star's Oort cloud. Therefore, the authors established an inner boundary for the galactic habitable zone, located just outside the galactic bulge." ~ Wikipedia

  7. Our Galaxy doesn't have a Goldilocks Zone, but our Solar System does. At the Galactic Center is a "Black Hole" that eat Stars for breakfast, lunch and dinner - thus the reason for its bright glow.

    1. "The idea of a galactic habitable zone was further developed in 2001 in a paper by Ward and Brownlee, in collaboration with Guillermo Gonzalez of the University of Washington. In that paper, Gonzalez, Brownlee, and Ward stated that regions near the galactic halo would lack the heavier elements required to produce habitable terrestrial planets, thus creating an outward limit to the size of the galactic habitable zone.[10] Being too close to the galactic center, however, would expose an otherwise habitable planet to numerous supernovae and other energetic cosmic events, as well as excessive cometary impacts caused by perturbations of the host star's Oort cloud. Therefore, the authors established an inner boundary for the galactic habitable zone, located just outside the galactic bulge." ~ Wikipedia

  8. Maybe it's a good thing it's so far away. America would probably invade it, establish "democracy" and then....its inhabitants would be eating pizza topped with pineapple!

    1. Yes, we'd be doing them a service by introducing the ideas of self-governance and determination, as well as atypical food enhancement options.

  9. 500 light years away. It would take 500 years traveling at the speed of light to get there. Unobtainable.

    1. They spotted one 14 light years away at one time. Thought there was one 4 to 5 light years away as well. I would suggest to them that they focus on getting there instead. If we could figure out how to travel at least 1/10th the speed of light it would take a minimum of 40-50 years to reach the closest solar systems to ours with earth like planets. Definitely won't see it in my lifetime though, so I really could care less. lmao.

    2. No, if you were traveling to Kepler-186f at even CLOSE to the speed of light you'd be there in no time, equivalent of five or six earth days. Of course, by the time you got there 500 years WOULD have elapsed on that planet and who knows what might have changed in that time?

  10. Kepler? I barely even know her.

  11. Emphasize versus "emphasis" in a sentence. They may be writing about science but they sure don't recognize proper word usage.
    " “We know of only one planet where life survives – Earth. When we hunt for life outside our sausage system, we emphasis on discovering planets with sausages that mimic that of Earth,” said Elisa Quintana, research scientist at the SETI Sausage Institute....."

  12. I’ll have some of what Retro Studios Art is smoking.......

    1. Well, i already said it, Meditation. I do not smoke or drink, nor do any drugs. Maybe it is the drugs that are confusing the issue here of you not being able to understand? Just a suggestion. Not trying to be mean. Yea, i used to smoke pot. I think we all know pot does not make ya have visions. Anyhow, you should read all of what i said again and or just save it for yet another lifetime. Maybe your just not ready.

    2. Maybe *you're* not ready.....

    3. Are you a grammar teacher? =) Why is it people have a need to correct others when they cant understand something or disagree, they correct their grammar? This reminds me of middle school.

    4. Well, I just reckon that someone as knowledgeable as yourself would not want anything to tarnish their blogs! ;) Happy To Help

    5. Ahhhh, ok, well, I did not do so well in Human schooling.. =). As well as typing that character isnt as easy, haha.. See! My Grammar is pretty lousy. I should read on how to use commas right, as i still dont really recall the right way... We are all smart people being manipulated on a day to day basis. So, knowledge or not, it is up to the one to see this problem in humanity. Sometimes i think im dumb as nails, so, just to be honest here.. haha... I found it addicting to seek out other information. Its a passion i guess...

      Good day!


    video here for usa viewers.

  14. Hell, I'm just trying to make it to Friday night!!!!

  15. @retro studios. I love your comment/post. Actually tried my own and i called this "tunneling" though different, its goes like this: lets you move forward faster and everything seems slow and you go faster and as if time traveling. My theory is that "tunneling" is like dipping yourself in a "different frequency"(meditation does this) its complicated to explain but felt distance is just a reality built our in observable reality plane. If you attune yourself to different molecular khz frequency maybe this has a lot of practical uses. Having a machine does this might aplify and
    help. Only draw back using this "tunneling" it makes me age faster, noticeable additional white hair and dehydrates me lots after doing this

    1. Interesting Eryson. What happend with me was instant. So, not even any memory what so ever of any travel time, but maybe a split second of nothingness. What you speak of sounds neat. I think you might find the ORMES lecture by David Huchinson on youtube a lot of fun. Give it some time, its the end segments that gets really good. There are a few of them, so, maybe i should find the one I liked as ive not watched all of them and then post it. He discovers that the human is capable of many things through mistakenly coming across a strange substance on his farm. The story is just hilariously interesting. Mere luck brings this man on the path of huge discoveries. David Hudson i see... watch?v=tHnS3_DZWEU&list=PL8F659D9F94EC91D3 (just add that to then end of the youtube url)

      As to the aging thing. I am not sure what to say beyond we can cause aging by thinking or having the feeling that what you are doing will cause aging. Maybe forget that idea? But yea, some things are physically able to case aging. Its hard sometimes to speak truth on random blogs, but someone has to do it. It would be nice for you to explain this again, a little more in depth?

  16. All those who believe that the earth is flat should be sent there for beta testing

  17. I'm more worried about not naming every planet after's like trying to keep all the Henry's in the English monarchy straight....

  18. Goldilocks zone of our galaxy?

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